History-Maps.ru: Геологическая карта Китая, превью

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Геологическая карта Китая

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Размеры: 14552  x  11042  px
Объём: 20.86 Мб
Загрузил: portvein77
Добавлено: 23:24:50, 03/01/2013
Регионы: Китай
Группа: Поппури
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Геологическая карта Китая

м 1 -2500 000

Подробное описание карты http://pervokarta.ru/temp/china.rar

The compilation and publishing of 1: 2,500,00-scale Geological Map of China is a great progress in geological-structural studying and a good application of map compilation methods under the help and support of various agencies and experts in this country, but due to the insufficiency and unbalance in some aspects of geological researches and the limited technical level of the compilation stuffs, apparent drawbacks and questions still exist in this compilation. Controversies remain in stratigraphy, such as the time of pre-Cambrian Xinghe Complex, Dabie Complex, Kangding Rock Group, Beishan Rock Group, Chencai Group and Kunyang Group, the division of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous in Northeast China, north China and southeast coastal areas as well as the division of Nanhua System and the quadrapartite of Silurian. And in magmatic rocks, the determinations of the time and stage of some magmatic activities and its products are still problematic due to the contradictions in isotopic age measurements or lack of appropriate data and other evidences. So large proportional magmatic rocks undetermined in time and undivided in stage, appear in the map. In Metamorphic Rocks and Geological Structures, due to the same reasons, similar problems still exist. And in the Explanatory Note, disaccords are obviously showed in contends and styles among chapters and sections, and the incompleteness of references for isotopic age data is also obvious. So critics and advices from readers are wholeheartedly welcome.  

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