History-Maps.ru: Африка, 1680

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Африка, 1680

Размеры: 2063  x  1770  px
Объём: 1.06 Мб
Добавлено: 15:43:44, 17/02/2010
Датировка: 1680 год
Группа: raremaps.com
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Title: Totius Africae Accuratissima Tabula . . .

Map Maker: Justus Danckerts

Place / Date: Amsterdam / 1680


Nice example of this scarce decorative map of Africa.

The map became the standard for subsequent maps of Africa, originally based upon the work of Frederick De Wit. There are a number of notable deep inlets on the southeast coast. The large lakes and numerous rivers are also of note. The origin of the Nile is based upon Ptolemy. The kingdom of Monomotapa comes down a far as the Rio de Infante. There are few names in the interior of the Cape. Decorative title cartouche and a number of animal vignettes within the map.

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