History-Maps.ru: Азия, 1790

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Азия, 1790

Размеры: 1562  x  1400  px
Объём: 957.00 Кб
Добавлено: 17:05:07, 22/12/2009
Датировка: 1790 год
Регионы: Азия
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Mappa ou Carta Geographica Dos Reinos De Portugal . . . 1790 [Case Map]

Thomas Jefferys

 London / 1790

 ID: 18066


Second edition of Jefferys map of Portugal and part of Spain, originally published in London in 1762.  Jefferys apparently collaborated with Miguel Rodrigues, who was then working as a printer for the Bishop of Lisbon, although Rodrigues connection to Jefferys and this map are unknown.

The map includes remarkable topographical detail, a large dedication cartouche and tables in English and Spanish.  Dedicated to "the Right and Honourable John Earl of Bute". 

This second edition includes an explanatory note from Faden, dated January 1, 1790.  Both editions of the map are quite scarce.


Condition Description: Dissected and laid on linen, on two sheets. Modest linen breaks and loss of linen backing. Original slipcover, with pastedown title.

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