History-Maps.ru: Греция, 1686, превью

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Греция, 1686

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Размеры: 1978  x  1400  px
Объём: 1.44 Мб
Добавлено: 18:23:41, 21/12/2009
Датировка: 1686 год
Регионы: Греция
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La Grece, ou Partie Meridionale de L'Empire De Turcs en Europe, avec La Table Alphabetique . . . 1686

 Pierre Du Val

 Paris / 1686

Rare map of the Greek Islands by Pierre Du Val, published in Paris.

Du Val's map focuses on hte Ageaen and the various trade routes through the region and beyond, tracking the routes of ancient and modern Mariners from the Dardenelles, Gallipoli and Smyrne through the southern islands and on the the Mediterranean both to the east and west of the Isle of Candie (Crete).  A curious trio of birds flying southward from he Morean coast is apparently symbolic of Greece's role as the gatewaay for Orientale trade with the Western Mediterranean and therest of Europe.

Du Val, then serving as Geographe Ordinaire to the King of France, also includes an unusually early table (index) of place names on each side of the map, one of the earliest such uses on the frontice of a map, which he uses as key for correlating anicent and modern names. At the time, Greece was still an important part of the Turkish Emprir, although within the next several decades, Turkish control of the region would be contested by a series of wars led by the Northern European powers and through which Turkish control of the region would be weakened.



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