History-Maps.ru: Московия, превью

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Размеры: 1554  x  1300  px
Объём: 1.22 Мб
Добавлено: 11:58:35, 14/02/2010
Датировка: 1680 год
Раздел: Карты 17 века
Регионы: Россия, Украина
Группа: raremaps.com
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Title: Imperii Russici Sive Moscoviae, Status Generalis in ejus Regna, Ducatus, Provincias, Populos, Subjacentes Divisu, et ex Tabula Spectatmi. Domini N: Witsen . . .

Map Maker: Frederick De Wit /  Christopher Browne

Place / Date: Amsterdam/London / 1680 ca

 Striking old color example of Visscher's map of European Russia, with credit in the title to Nicolaes Witsen.

Witsen, the Mayor of Amsterdam, was an expert in shipbuilding and the Central regions of Russia.  Among his more interesting accomplishments, Witsen forged a friendship with Czar Peter the Great during the Czar's visits to the shipyards of Amsterdam, helping him gain access to the Dutch East India Company's private facilities in Amsterdam and assisting the Czar in selecting Dutch Mariners for the Russian Imperial Navy.

The present example bears the name of Christopher Browne in London.  Browne's name appears on several other Visscher maps and the two clearly collaborated during the later part of the 17th Century.


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