History-Maps.ru: Турция, превью

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Размеры: 2024  x  1520  px
Объём: 1.16 Мб
Добавлено: 23:28:06, 14/02/2010
Датировка: 1564 год
Раздел: Карты 16 века
Группа: raremaps.com
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Title: Il Disegno D'Geografia Moderna Della provincia di Natolia et Caramania, patria de gli sig. r i Turchi della casa Ottomana . . . l'Isola di Candia, et quella di Cipro . . . MDLXIII . . .

Map Maker: Giacomo Gastaldi /  Paolo Forlani

Place / Date: Venice / 1564


First edition of this important early 2-sheet map of Asia Minor, Cyprus, and Turkey, prepared by Giacomo Gastaldi and Paolo Forlani, one of the earliest modern maps of the region.

The map extends form the Aegean to the Euphrates River, with a marvelous detailed depiction of Cyprus.  The first edition of the map, with Forlani's name as the publisher (removed in the second edition of 1570).

The map is based upon Gastaldi's 4-sheet map of Asia and was originally engraved by Paolo Forlani and published by Fernando Bertelli.  Two years later, Forlani engraved a similar map for Camocio.


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