History-Maps.ru: 8. Ханаан, превью

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8. Ханаан

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Размеры: 3232  x  2580  px
Объём: 1.83 Мб
Загрузил: Reader
Добавлено: 14:13:04, 30/03/2010
Датировка: 1820 год
Группа: Исторический атлас, 1820
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Description of Israel at the time of Canaan and explanation of the conquests. Insets of the "Form of the Camp of the Israelites" and "Plan of the City of Jeruselem." Map with part of Egypt is scale 1:2,550,000; map subsequent to conquest, scale 1:1,160,000. Full color maps, showing track of the Israelites in the desert and their settlements. Relief shown by sketches, and hachures (inset). 

Full Title: 
Geographical and Historical Maps, Illustrative of Sacred History. No. 8. Canaan, with Part of Egypt, during the Residence of the Israelites in the Desert. Canaan, subsequent to its Conquest by the Israelites, and its Division among the Tribes. [Two separate maps]. Published by M. Carey & Son, Philad. 1820. Kneass, Young & Co., sc/

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