Размеры: 6104 x 5369 px
Объём: 4.57 Мб
Загрузил: portvein77 Добавлено: 19:34:56, 17/10/2015 Датировка: 1836 год Раздел: Карты 19 века Группа: Поппури
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Author: Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain) Date: 1836 Short Title: Moscow. Moskvy. Publisher: Chapman and Hall London Type: Atlas Map; View Obj Height cm: 33 Obj Width cm: 36 Scale 1:32,400 Note: Engraved map. Hand col. Insets: View from the Sparrow Hill the Novo-Devitichei Monastery in the foreground -- Church of the Assumption in the Kremlin. Reference: Branch, M.C. An atlas of rare city maps, p. 84-85. Country: Russia City: Moscow (Russia) Full Title: Moscow. Moskvy. Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Drawn by W.B. Clarke, archt. Engraved by B.R. Davies, 16 George Str.,London University. Published by Baldwin & Cradock, 47 Paternoster Row, June 1836. (London: Chapman & Hall, 1844)