History-Maps.ru: Россия, Польша

Размеры: 2237 px  x  1500 px
Объём: 1.06 Мб
Загрузил: Reader
Добавлено: 14:33:33, 14/02/2010
Датировка: 1769 год
Раздел: Карты 18 века
Регионы: Россия, Украина, Польша
Группа: raremaps.com
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Title: Carte exacte d'une Partie de L'Empire de Russie et de la Pologne meridionale renfermant l'Ukraine, la Podolie, la Volhynie, la Russie, la petit Pologne, la Mazovie, et une Partie de la Lithuanie . . . 1769

Map Maker: Johann Gottlieb Facius /  Georg Sigismund Facius

Place / Date: Bonn / 1769


 Rare Facius brothers map of Eastern Europe, including Poland, Lithuania, Russia and Ukrain, published in Bonn.

The Facius brothers were born in Regensburg and trained as engravers in Brussells.  By 1776, there work had become well respected and they moved to London, at the request of John Boydell, with whom they worked for a number of years as engravers.  As the map was produced when they were still quite young and because they did so few maps, the map is also interesting as a rare example of their work in cartographic material.

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